The Church is the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the Kingdom of God, the City of God.

  1. The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth. The Holy Spirit leads the Church into all truth (the Historic Christian Faith). The Logos, the Word of God in its fullness, is Truth.
  2. The Church is for worship and discipleship. Worship of God determines service to God.
  3. We are to worship God in Spirit and in truth, according to the regulative principle of worship.
  4. The Church is to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that Christ has commanded.
  5. Truth begins with foundation, the first principles, the elementary teachings: clarity and inexcusability, sin and death, curse and promise, repentance and faith, justification and sanctification, baptism and calling, resurrection and reward.
  6. Redemption through the curse and promise requires the discipleship of the Church.
  7. Discipleship is based on membership vows. Vows require preparation before and practice afterward.
  8. The Church is salt and light in the world. If it loses its effectiveness it will be cast out and trampled underfoot.
  9. The Church today is divided. It has been taken captive by unbelief. There is widespread apostasy. The culture is in decay and near collapse.
  10. The sources of unity are common ground, the good, the moral law, the Church’s foundation and the Historic Christian Faith.

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