From Original Sin to the Kingdom of Darkness

  1. Human evil begins in the hearts of fallen human beings.
  2. Man, in self-centered existence, does not seek God: all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
  3. Without glorifying God, man cannot enjoy God. He turns to the creation without God for enjoyment.
  4. The world cannot satisfy man’s need for meaning found only in the knowledge of God. Man goes to excess in greed and lust, and transgresses the law of God.
  5. Sin is done in secret, and in the darkness of self-deception and self-justification. Sin is done in collusion with others.
  6. Sin grows over one’s lifetime, and over generations, in families and groups that benefit from sin. Sin grows like leaven and leavens the whole lump.
  7. Those at the top seek to preserve and advance their unjust gain, and structure the world around them to this end.
  8. Without the good as the knowledge of God, and the moral law as means to the good, unbelievers justify a worldly view of the good and worldly means to it. This ideology cannot be opposed by any who share in such a false view of the good.
  9. Those at the top secretly seek to eliminate all that opposes their view. Secret societies, of many kinds, accumulating power over centuries, infiltrate, like a cancer, every organ in the body politic. Education without God (the false prophet), economics without God (the harlot), and politics without God (the beast), unite to achieve full control through a one world government.
  10. At this point in history, the kingdom of darkness comes into full display against the kingdom of God. The conflict is now all out. The cup is full. The end (resolution one way or the other) is near. If the Church does not repent and take the world’s unbelief captive, evil will prevail and this will bring judgment, as at Babel, to prevent a one world government under unbelief.

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